HFL Education offers a tailored and creative approach to behaviour management across all educational phases in mainstream and special schools.
We work collaboratively with schools to enhance skills and empower staff and other stakeholders by providing support that addresses specific challenges in individual schools by focusing on practical and effective approaches.
What are the benefits of working with HFL to improve your behaviour management in school?
The support we provide for behaviour management within your school or setting is designed to improve staff confidence in how they respond to unproductive behaviours, enabling them to intervene in the right way at the right time.
Our behaviour management support is strategic and inclusive, which enables schools to adopt and embed approaches to best suit the needs of staff, pupils and their wider communities.
We focus on encouraging a growth mindset, self-efficacy, and self-regulation and resilience through wellbeing approaches to support effective learning and achieve the right outcome through a class coaching process.
How does HFL support behaviour management in schools?
Our expert team is highly experienced and has a comprehensive understanding of behaviour management within schools at both a local and national level.
Our Behaviour Solutions services are designed to be applied across the whole school or setting and might typically focus on:
Emotional regulation, peer mediation, restorative approaches
Effective classroom management
Anti-bullying and anti-prejudice
Effective and practical behaviour policies that work for your school:
Positive relationships through PSHE curriculum
Building stronger staff cohesion and consistency
Behaviour enhanced enquiry (whole school review)
Behaviour for Learning
Improving attendance
Post suspension/permanent exclusion enhanced enquiry
Action to effectively challenge repeated behaviours
What does a whole school behaviour review involve?
Our experienced advisers start by thoroughly reviewing your school’s website and policies before visiting the school. We then focus on uncovering key findings through detailed discussions and observations. This allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of your school's current practices and desired outcomes.
The process includes:
Advance scrutiny of your website and relevant policies
Initial briefing from headteacher, SLT lead and governor on the current approach to behaviour management in school and its impact
In-depth discussion with the behaviour/pastoral lead on processes, intent, and impact evidence
Engagement with pupil and parent perspectives
Review of evidence for processes, monitoring, and reporting
Assessment of effective use of resources, staff confidence levels, and training
Exploration of curriculum content supporting the behaviour policy (PSHE/RSHE lead and/or mental health lead)
School tour to observe lessons and gather pupil insights
Concerned about a behaviour incident?
We are able to provide telephone and remote digital support for any schools, academy trusts or other settings who need advice or guidance in the event of concerns over a specific behaviour incident.
Behaviour Leadership Programme
The Behaviour Leadership Programme is designed to support settings to further enhance their behaviour practices. By drawing on expert research and practitioners, it explores how changes in behavioural approaches can better support the needs of the whole school and wider communities. The needs and challenges of each of our settings is different and this programme is designed to meet you where you are on your journey to improving behaviour in your setting.
Our 2024 programme is fully subscribed however if you’d like to discuss support for behaviour leadership please contact the Wellbeing team.
Find out more
If you’d like to know more about behaviour work and the benefits it can bring to your school please contact us using the details below.