Unlock the potential of primary maths education with our expert services
Are you looking to enhance the way your primary school pupils learn and engage with mathematics? Our dedicated primary maths teaching and learning advisory team is here for you.
With years of leadership and teaching experience and a passion for empowering young minds, our unique team offer a range of comprehensive services tailored to meet the specific needs of your school.
We work face-to-face in schools and remotely with leaders and teachers in mainstream, independent, special schools, and multi-academy trusts (with single and mixed-age classes) to develop all aspects of primary maths.
Subject leadership support, both in school and through training and project-based opportunities, builds knowledge and capacity to enable sustained improvement over time. We work in partnership with schools to develop curriculum design, improving the quality of teaching and allowing all children to feel success in reasoning and problem-solving across the maths National Curriculum.
What are the benefits of working with HFL to support primary maths subject teaching?
- Improved outcomes for pupils
- Better subject knowledge for teachers
- Stronger leadership of primary maths in your school
- All support can be accessed face to face or remotely.

We can support you with any aspect of maths in your school from nursery to Year 6, in line with your school development priorities. Typically, this will include helping you to:
Develop subject leadership
Sequence your curriculum to secure learning
Close the learning gaps for vulnerable groups
Enhance your provision for children with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND)
Raise standards through developing oracy
Develop fluency across the school
Improve the teaching and learning of multiplication
Ensure children apply facts and methods to wider problem-solving
Supporting schools with teaching the maths curriculum
HFL Education’s ESSENTIALMATHS contains carefully crafted single-age and mixed-age learning sequences enable teachers to teach a carefully planned, small-step progression through the maths national curriculum from Reception to Year 6, deepening understanding year on year. The ESSENTIALMATHS suite of materials have been designed for use in single age and mixed age classrooms.
Schools can subscribe to this online resource and give all their staff access to the complete suite of resources 24/7.
Primary maths curriculum impact packages
Our expert team of advisers can tailor all curriculum impact packages to strategically align with your school priorities. Each package follows the intent, implementation, and impact cycle through four half-day school visits and supporting resources.
Professional development and training
Our team of advisers work remotely and within schools to deliver primary maths training programmes to develop teaching and learning in the classroom, as well as providing professional development opportunities for maths subject leaders to enable sustained school improvement.
Details of our face to face and online training programme, on-demand e-learning, professional development days and exciting events for pupils and are available in the brochure below:
The maths team has provided excellent professional development as always. They clearly explain, articulate, model effectively so that our teachers learn new skills. They know us really well and have been instrumental in helping us achieve outstanding progress in our end of key stage results.
Hertfordshire headteacher
It is always a pleasure to work with you. You have taken the time to really get to know us as a school, which has resulted in support that really has had an impact. Staff always benefit from your enthusiasm, patience, solution focused approach and love of maths. I know from the buzz in the staffroom when you have been in
Emma Flawn Headteacher, Camps Hill Primary School.
Find out more
If you’d like to know more about how HFL’s Primary maths team can support your subject leaders through cost-effective expert advice and guidance that’s tailored to your exact needs, please contact us.
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