We can help you develop, implement and sustain a culture of positive wellbeing across the entire educational setting.
Whether you are a school, setting or trust leader, or a teacher, we can tailor our services to your needs. Our experienced advisers will work with you to develop a multi-disciplinary plan that best supports the wellbeing of your pupils and staff.
Why choose HFL?
Improving pupils' emotional and educational welfare requires you to prioritise mental health. Our advisers will use their wealth of experience to help you embed positive mental health within your school or academy's culture and ethos.
We offer an extensive range of bespoke wellbeing services designed to benefit the whole school community and improve learning outcomes. We have a proven track record of helping schools improve pupils' mental health and welfare and encourage pupils to feel positive and ready for learning.
The combination of early intervention and a school-wide approach is very effective in improving pupil wellbeing and reducing the impact of mental health issues. Our advisers will work closely with you to implement a whole-school approach to pupil welfare and mental health.
We provide opportunities for staff development to enhance their knowledge, skills and approach towards pupil wellbeing. We've developed our services to equip all leaders, headteachers, teachers, staff and pupils with the skills required to prioritise and address wellbeing.
Empowering schools to improve wellbeing
Our team offers a range of support, including consultancy, coaching and training to help your educational setting improve pupil wellbeing. We will equip your school or academy with strategies to achieve effective behaviour for learning. Our team can also provide support with:
teaching mental health knowledge and skills
safeguarding (on and offline)
relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) and PSHE
equality, anti-prejudice and anti-bullying
Pupil wellbeing support
We have a range of services designed to support pupil health and wellbeing.