Research indicates that nearly half of all children and young people experience bullying at least once during their school life, with instances of cyberbullying steadily increasing. Given the well-documented long-term impact of bullying on mental and physical health, implementing effective anti-bullying strategies is a top priority for school leadership teams.
We support schools, settings or trusts to take a proactive approach to addressing bullying behaviour, harassment, and prejudice. Understanding that factors contributing to bullying are often unique to each school, we offer tailored anti-bullying strategies and training designed to meet your specific needs and reduce bullying-related issues.

Why work with us to develop your anti-bullying strategy?
Our extensive range of specialist support, training and resources offers you focused solutions you can begin to implement right away.
Our specialist teams will help you to:
Identify and reduce vulnerability
Enable your pupils to identify and assess risks within relationships
Build a culture in which students feel able to seek and receive appropriate support
Develop and implement behaviour reviews
Create peer-to-peer support strategies
Benchmark the impact of the anti-bullying strategy you implement
Anti-bullying training designed to meet your specific needs
We deliver tailored training and support programmes, including:
Reducing sexual harassment and sexualised behaviours
Parent and carer workshops
Tackling homophobia, biphobia and transphobia
Race equity and anti-racism
Effective playground supervision
If your setting is looking to further develop its anti-racism or equalities strategy, please see our race equality support

Concerned about a bullying incident?
We are able to provide telephone and remote digital support for any schools, academy trusts or other settings who need advice or guidance in the event of concerns over a specific bullying incident.

The benefits of working with us
A flexible approach that allows you to get the right support at the right time in the right way.
Like all learning, our programmes are most effective when they are delivered in the way that’s most suited to you. That’s why we offer all our services in a range of formats, ensuring you get precisely what you need precisely when you need it.
Whether you want to empower your leadership and teaching staff on an individual basis, in teams or through an all-staff approach, we’ll offer you versatile and flexible solutions that meet your operational need.
Training sessions can be delivered as INSET twilights for whole staff teams, as briefings or as bite-size ‘buffet’ sessions that allow you to pick and choose specific areas of learning that best reflect your specific challenges.
Starting your anti-bullying journey
To find out more about our services and how we can help you to identify, evolve and implement an anti-bullying strategy that works in your school, setting or trust, please get in touch.
Read our wellbeing blog:
Remember. Respect. Enhancing your schools anti-bullying strategy: Part 1
Remember. Respect. Enhancing your schools anti-bullying strategy: Part 2