Carole Bennett

Carole Bennett

Chief Executive Officer

Carole Bennett

Chief Executive Officer

Carole has overall responsibility for HFL Education and is accountable to the Directors of the company. 

Carole has over 30 years’ experience working in the education sector, leading and delivering educational development, teaching and learning and school business support services.  Having worked in LAs and school improvement services for many years, she was involved in the creation of HFL Education in 2013 and led the development of new services to support schools and academies.   Most recently, she was the CEO of a Multi Academy Trust serving Lower, Primary and Secondary schools across four Local Authority areas, before returning to HFL Education as CEO in 2023.

Andrew Griffiths

Andrew Griffiths

Chief Financial Officer

Andrew Griffiths

Chief Financial Officer

Andrew combines over 10 years of business experience with a passion for education to ensure that HFL Education offers high quality services at competitive prices. Having trained as a chartered accountant, Andrew left accountancy practice to work as a commercial accountant in the retail sector. Working in this environment developed his understanding of the requirements of a successful customer-facing business, and also the importance of astute financial management.

Andrew’s keen interest in education led him to join Standards and School Effectiveness in 2007. He assumed the role of Head of Business Management in April 2010 and in September 2013 became HFL's Chief Financial Officer.

Andrew works hard to ensure cost savings are delivered within HFL and to minimise price increases to Hertfordshire schools for HFL’s traded services.

Jeremy Loukes

Jeremy Loukes

Education Services Co-Director (Primary and Early Years)

Jeremy Loukes

Education Services Co-Director (Primary and Early Years)

Jeremy is Co-Director of Education Services (Primary and Early Years) and leads the primary and Early Years teams. Previously he held the position of Head of Primary: School Leadership, providing school improvement services to schools in and beyond Hertfordshire. Having started his teaching career in London, Jeremy has taught across the primary age range, having held teaching and leadership posts in Hertfordshire and London schools. Prior to joining HFL Education, he was one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors, based in the London region. The role involved leading inspections of maintained schools, independent schools and academies, reviewing local authority arrangements for school improvement, and inspecting initial teacher education providers. It also involved quality assuring the work of Ofsted Inspectors and providing training for inspectors, school leaders and governors. Before working for Ofsted, Jeremy was the headteacher of a Hertfordshire academy judged outstanding by Ofsted.

Liz Shapland

Liz Shapland

Education Services Co-Director (Secondary, Special and AP)

Liz Shapland

Education Services Co-Director (Secondary, Special and AP)

Liz is Co-Director of Education Services (Secondary, Special and AP) and leads the secondary and special and alternative provision teams. Previously Deputy Director of Education Services (Secondary) she has over twenty five years’ experience of teaching and school leadership.  Having worked as an adviser and school improvement partner for HFL since inception, Liz has huge experience of driving and supporting positive change with leaders, and driving key strategic educational programmes and partnerships.  

Catherine Tallis, Director of Business Services

Catherine Tallis

Director of Business Services

Catherine Tallis

Director of Business Services

Catherine joined the Herts for Learning Executive team as Director of Business Services in June 2019, bringing with her extensive experience of working with schools, settings and trusts on a broad range of issues relating to people, processes and products. As Director of Education Services, Catherine is the strategic lead for our finance, HR, technology and governance related services.

In her career Catherine has led large procurement projects and programmes, formed and led multi-disciplinary teams to solve challenges and supported organisations to adapt and change to changing legislative and financial landscapes. Prior to joining HFL Catherine worked in the Education Leadership Team at Hertfordshire County Council where she developed an appreciation of importance of recognising the unique characteristics of a school, setting or trust when developing solutions to the challenges they face.

Dave Windridge

Dave Windridge

People and Organisation Development Director

Dave Windridge

People and Organisation Development Director

Dave joined in 2017 to lead our HR & Recruitment Services to schools, introducing new ways of working and commercial partnerships to expand our service portfolio in response to clients’ evolving needs. In 2021 he piloted the development of our evolving work and relationships with multi-academy trusts.

Dave oversees our central HR support function and is our Executive lead for CSR, Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity and internal comms. He has a background in operational and senior HR roles across a number of commercial organisations in the retail sector. He is passionate in supporting others to grow and achieve their potential and is a parent trustee for a registered charity supporting families with additional needs.

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