Support and challenge from expert advisers to help you raise early achievement in schools.
We offer a comprehensive range of consultancy and dedicated programmes designed to support continuous improvement in the Early Years.
Our Early Years team is made up of highly knowledgeable and experienced advisers who are committed to supporting staff at all levels to strengthen high quality pedagogy and responsive curriculums that set firm foundations for children’s learning beyond the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Working with leaders, teachers, and early years practitioners, we offer support and constructive challenge that informs accurate self-evaluation focusing on leadership, action planning, and professional development.
Our nursery school effectiveness advisers (SEAs) are either serving or former headteachers/ senior leaders of successful schools who utilise their extensive experience in the early years foundation stage to add value to your school.

Training and development opportunities
We also provide a wide range of face-to-face, remote and eLearning training courses, conferences and development opportunities to complement our service offering.
Explore our blogs written by Early Years specialists
As experts in our field, we also write regular blogs on Early Years education to share good practice and new developments in the EYFS,