Disadvantage can have a huge impact on a child’s life chances. Education data shows that underserved pupils start school behind their more advantaged peers, have lower attainment outcomes at school, and poorer opportunities for continued education once they have left school. This not only impacts their education but can also affect their mental health, confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.
With this in mind, we are delighted to announce a new series of six twilight webinars. Led by Rachel Macfarlane, our lead advisor for underserved learners, we will be joined by guest leaders from across the county to explore various aspects of impactful inclusive practice for underserved learners.
Dates for your diary - twilight sessions
26th September 2024
Who are your underserved learners and how can you better use data to ensure the inclusion of underserved learners?
12th November 2024
How to ensure that all learners have a sense of belonging at your school.
12th December 2024
How to grow the status and sense of self efficacy of underserved learners.
20th January 2025
How to tackle unconscious bias amongst staff about the potential of underserved learners.
4th March 2025
How to develop impactful relationships with underserved families.
1st April 2025
How to develop a culture of equity rather than equality.
How much will it cost and who is it for?
Each session costs £59* for as many colleagues as you wish to attend from your school. If you sign up in advance to attend all 6 sessions, the discounted price is £299* per school/setting (with a further discount for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. schools in a MAT.)
*prices excludes VAT.
These sessions will run from 4pm to 5.30pm and are designed to support a multitude of educational professionals, including senior and middle leaders, SENCOs, Pupil Premium leads, EDI leads, phase leaders, teachers, trustees and governors.
Visit the HFL Hub for more information and to book: