22 March 2023

"In this, the second of our guest blogs, Simona Kanani at Woodland Magic Pre-School tells us what the EEEYP experience is like through the eyes of the Early Years professional."


In this, the second of our guest blogs, Simona Kanani at Woodland Magic Pre-school tells us what the EEEYP experience is like through the eyes of the early years professional.


Staff members holding Woodland Magic Pre-School sign


We are a pack-away PVI pre-school/nursery set in woodland.  We received our Ofsted registration in September 2020 and currently have 28 children on roll with 5 members of staff, 2 of whom are Level 3 apprentices.  I decided to book the EEEYP because I knew we would have an Ofsted inspection within 30 months of opening and, although my deputy and myself had been through numerous inspections my other staff members had no idea what to expect.  I wanted them to have the experience of an external evaluation of our provision and practice so that they would gain an understanding that it is a team effort.

The day started with staff introductions and then completed the learning walk.  After this the joint observation was carried out and all staff had the opportunity to talk with the consultants.  The consultants tracked children and spoke to their keyworker.  They then conducted an interview and looked at some documentation.  After observing in the outside area, they gave their feedback.  My staff were amazed at the thoroughness and the way their knowledge was ‘tested’.  However, it also gave them a sense of pride being able to demonstrate their knowledge.  I think for my staff it allowed them to see why all the staff meetings, training, CPD and supervisions where we share information and reflect is so important.  For myself it highlighted that although we still evidence a lot, (because it helps us), no one needs to see it because the evidence is in what you say and do.


Inside of a pre-school classroom


The most useful part of the EEEYP was having the opportunity to find out what was and what wasn’t working.  We knew some things were not working and being able to talk this through with the auditors and come up with strategies together was so very helpful.  Sometimes you can over-think things when a simple solution is all that is needed.

Since our EEEYP we have developed a rolling snack and changed our daily routine.  This is working so much better, as the younger children have the freedom to explore/learn outside, which is age and stage appropriate;  and the older children have quality teaching on the carpet time and during adult-guided activities.  As these are new changes, we are constantly reflecting on them to ensure they continue to work or can be improved upon.

2 months after the EEEYP and embracing the outcomes it highlighted, we had our first Ofsted inspection.  If we had not had the EEEYP, we would not have been able to move our setting forward as well.  It allowed us to look at things from different angles and in a different light.  It pulled us together as a team and made us all realise the importance of sharing information and working together.  This is why I would recommend EEEYP and so do all my staff.

If you are interested in booking an EEEYP or if you would like to find out more about the process, please contact us on 01438 544464 or email


Blog guest authored by Simona Kanani from the Woodland Magic Pre-school.

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