What is the Key Stage 4 (KS4) Reading Fluency Project?

The Key Stage 4 (KS4) Reading Fluency Project is designed to support struggling readers in Key Stage 4 make swift and dramatic gains in their reading attainment. Through the combined use of evidence-informed reading strategies and high-quality texts, the Key Stage 4 (KS4) Reading Fluency Project not only increases the number of students working at age-related expectations in reading, but fosters enthusiastic, confident readers who show increased pleasure and skill when reading challenging texts across the curriculum. 

Project aims

The Key Stage 4 (KS4) Reading Fluency Project is designed to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills they need to make a difference to outcomes for their most vulnerable learners, those who are reading below age-related expectations for their year group. Training is logically sequenced and carefully spaced to allow time to put learning into practice throughout the 8-week intervention period. Equipped with project strategies, teachers deliver two, twenty-five minute sessions weekly to a selected group of struggling readers. In just 8 weeks, these students make incredible progress in their fluency, leading to great gains in their accuracy and comprehension. Furthermore, students develop confidence and begin to view themselves as authentic readers. 

Book your place on the next cohort of the KS4 Reading Fluency Project by emailing reading.fluency@hfleducation.org


The HFL KS4 RFP made us feel like there is something practical that we can do that has a real impact.’

Paul Samways, Head of English, Presdales School. 

It was very humbling to see the struggles of students who can supposedly ‘read’, who, as an English teacher, I may not have identified in my classroom

Naomi Chambers, Head of English, Richard Hale School. 

Contact us today to find out more about the HFL Reading Fluency Project